So this topic is a really touchy subject only because I really love my last name and am proud of it. My dad has us three girls and by me changing it, it would mean that the last name stops there. Know what I mean? We don't have a boy in the family to pass it down (except for cousins). Not only that, but Rodriguez is a part of me! I love it! I love its history within my family. I could go on and on. So for the time being, I have decided on these three options:
A) Marylynn Middle Oldlastname
de Newlastname
B) Marylynn Middle Oldlastname-Newlastname
C) Marylynn Middle Oldlastname Newlastname (my old last name would be converted to my second middle name)
However, at work I will go by Mrs. Newlastname. But on my drivers liscence I will have one of the above three options.
I am very much looking forward to being the new Mrs. Newlastname and taking Will's name. In fact I will be honored. He's a great man and I am lucky to be his wife. He is very traditional and would like for me to be Mrs. Maldonado so i think the above three options are a good compromise. What do you think?